New home for my "Intimate" images.


This is the new home of my "Intimate Male" gallery. I have found that these types of artistic shots are not for everyone who visit my Website or my Facebook page and so I moved them here.

I try to make these images tasteful while at the same time erotic. I have found it to be a fine line between "Intimate/Erotic" and "Pornographic" and one that I think I am balancing on quite well. My intent is to show viewers intimate, erotic images without being pornographic. Again, a fine line.

Please feel free to let me know if you think I am crossing over to the "Porn" side. I really have no desire, nor intent to do that!

If your here than you have either stumbled upon it or like to see the creative and beautiful photos that are produced.

Either way, I hope that you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed taking them!



New Style

Back again and in a shorter time span than what I have been posting earlier!

I recently got together with this Model. Great guy and an even Greater Photo Shoot!

He was amazing to work with and suggested I do some different types of shots that I had not done in awhile or that I was not really all that comfortable with. No backdrop and natural lighting were key for these.

I have, of course, shot images with Natural lighting but I have always preferred the control I get with studio lighting shots. Working without a paper backdrop was also refreshing. I felt like a lot of my images were becoming repetitive because of my heavy use of them. Maybe this is all because Spring is here and the studio gets Amazing natural light. I like to think, and truly believe, that this model greatly inspired me. He has now become my Muse and I will definitely be photographing him again in the near future to which he has Graciously agreed!

Enjoy the new images! I sure have!


Unknown said...

Really, really like the last photo--recling with a smile. So unlike the usual photo of the serious or distracted male model--a very human image. Love it!
Sam Noir