New home for my "Intimate" images.


This is the new home of my "Intimate Male" gallery. I have found that these types of artistic shots are not for everyone who visit my Website or my Facebook page and so I moved them here.

I try to make these images tasteful while at the same time erotic. I have found it to be a fine line between "Intimate/Erotic" and "Pornographic" and one that I think I am balancing on quite well. My intent is to show viewers intimate, erotic images without being pornographic. Again, a fine line.

Please feel free to let me know if you think I am crossing over to the "Porn" side. I really have no desire, nor intent to do that!

If your here than you have either stumbled upon it or like to see the creative and beautiful photos that are produced.

Either way, I hope that you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed taking them!




Artistic or Offensive?

So I recently posted the below image on Facebook and someone reported it as being, in their eyes, as offensive.

I'm the first person to believe that people can judge for themselves what is and what is not offensive to them. We are, after all, individuals and can decide things for ourselves.

At first I was mad, then confused. Why? I just wish the person would step forth and simply tell me why they thought it was offensive! Why hide? Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm about as open as they come even to negative feedback. I love criticism good or bad. It's hearing both sides that make me a better photographer.

Why was this considered offensive? Is it because he is naked? Yes, he is naked but it's not like you can see his "privates". You can actually see a whole lot more in some paintings hanging in an at museum. How is this different from a cover of Rolling Stone or Vanity Fair? I was careful to NOT show the "privates" as that I can believe to be offensive to some. This is just a human body, tastefully done! It doesn't depict a lewd act or show an erection or even a little butt crack! It's confusing to me and I hope to create a thoughtful and inspiring adult conversation about this on Facebook.

I'm not perfect! I don't have all the answers and never will, I welcome my friends and even non friends to openly and honestly communicate with me regarding ANY of my images.

I value your opinion. I may not agree with it but I certainly won't discount it, in fact, I may even end up agreeing with you! It's happened!

For those of you who don't find this offensive, as always....


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Closing one door but opening another!

It's been about a month since my last post.  I apologize for that.  It's been an Amazing Spring, Summer and Fall and an incredibly busy one at that!  I needed a bit of a break as we near the end of the year.

Over the next 6 months ( wow why does winter need to be so long) I'll have far fewer outdoor shoots and will be concentrating more on in-studio work and trying out some new lighting techniques.  Keep your eye out for some exciting new work!

Until then here are some shots you may have already seen and some I know that you haven't!

I am so very fortunate to have had the pleasure in photographing so many truly amazing men! 

I couldn't have done it without any of you and am so very thankful for the incredible friendships I have made along the way!

As always...Enjoy!

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So this is Mark!

I wanna be a Cowboy! How often did we say that in our childhoods?

Mark has been photographed many times before in the past by other photographers so when he stated he wanted to work with me I was more than a bit ecstatic!

We chatted many times prior to the shoot and discussed what type/look he wanted for his images. I'm not sure which of us came up with the "Cowboy" but I am so happy we did this. I've wanted to do this type of shoot before but I was always concerned it would look cheesy or staged. That was something I did NOT want to happen. This was going to be a challenge!

Since he is not new to doing photo shoots I had to make sure that not only was it done right but that I also gave him something he could be proud of! His only request was to see if it would be possible for him to be photographed with a Horse!As it happens I knew just the place to go for his shoot as my Partner Steven and my Sister Teresa have connections to stables! This was going to be good!

Mark is one of those rare individuals. You meet him once and you instantly like him. Meet him a second time and you feel like you have been friends for years! Mark is...The list of positive things that I could say to describe Mark would be too long here. Trust me when I say that if you ever get the opportunity to meet him you will walk away a better person for it! I know I have! Many many times!


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So this is Joshua,

Handsome, killer body, infectious smile and simply an overall Amazing Man who also knows when to be serious and when to have a good time! An exceptional, healthy balance we all should strive for!

Josh has done this before in the past and it shows! He instinctively knew what to do and when I gave him direction he was spot on!

While he has been photographed before, he expressed his excitement to be photographed in his Leather Gear and to have that happen outside. Two things that he really hasn't done before on shoots.

We had a blast and I'll be photographing him again in the future! No doubt about that!


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So....This is Del!

So many things to say about Del.

His BF encouraged him to do the shoot,

Why would someone this attractive need encouragement?

First of all Del has been on his own personal journey.  He used to be somewhat overweight and is now at a point in his program that he feels so comfortable in his skin and so proud of his current accomplishments that he felt it was time to do something he hadn't before and have some images captured of were he is at in that journey!

Suffice it to say I couldn't have been luckier!  As most people like to say when looking at him he is DELicious! Sorry Del....I HAD to say it!

An IT guy, a Rugby Player for the Mpls Mayhem team and involved in his community Del is the complete package!  I know that his BF feels lucky that Del is a part of his life and really, wouldn't you!?


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George Part 2

So....This again is George!

What else can I say about George that I haven't already said?

Great guy, Funny, sweet, intelligent, sexy as all.... Said it before and I can say it again!  He is just Amazing!

George is just all around AMAZING! I love working with him as he knows what my limits are in images, has no issue with those limits and he just lets me creative and instinctively knows now where I am going with a shot and makes it happen!

Some of my best images come from my sessions with him. Take a look and judge for yourself!


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