New home for my "Intimate" images.


This is the new home of my "Intimate Male" gallery. I have found that these types of artistic shots are not for everyone who visit my Website or my Facebook page and so I moved them here.

I try to make these images tasteful while at the same time erotic. I have found it to be a fine line between "Intimate/Erotic" and "Pornographic" and one that I think I am balancing on quite well. My intent is to show viewers intimate, erotic images without being pornographic. Again, a fine line.

Please feel free to let me know if you think I am crossing over to the "Porn" side. I really have no desire, nor intent to do that!

If your here than you have either stumbled upon it or like to see the creative and beautiful photos that are produced.

Either way, I hope that you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed taking them!




Men of CLAW

I went to CLAW (Cleveland Leather Awareness Week) to do some photoshoots and to also be a part of the BDSM Art Show.  Stopped off in Chicago first to photograph my friend Tim and a new friend Jack!

I won "Best of show" for my images in the art show and one would think that this was the highlight of my trip but nothing, and i mean NOTHING beat the photoshoots of some of the hottest Men I know and also had the pleasure of meeting for the first time!

Say "Hello" to a few of the Men of CLAW!


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